At first it started as a typical small town rumor. The kind you hear at Mary's Cafe or maybe the post office. We laughed it off as a joke, then the signs became more ominious. Things unexplained. Clear evidence something, or someone, was roaming about Eunice at night, and it wasn't an ordinary being. People living near the west side thought they heard groans--unlike the coyote noises they had so long become used to hearing. Then trash cans crashing and the unmistakeable sloshing sounds of a person drinking huge volumes of liquid. Dog barked and wailed with the coyotes. Lights came on. Some men even racked back their 30-30s and looked around with flashlights. NOTHING! NOTHING! Then it would be quiet for weeks. Back to normal.

One brisk October morning someone thought they had spotted something. It seemed to be a big hairy animal almost the size of a buffalo down by the pipe racks at the Humble camp south of town. The air was permeated with a horrible stench unlike anything you ever smelled. Putrid, revulsive, acrid. be continued

Annie:  OK GLENN, don't make us wait till next Sat. to get the second installment!!!!!

Then an odd thing happened. A whole 55-gallon drum of Varsol (naptha) was ripped apart and consumed. Some tremendous force had simply snapped the top off and destroyed the drum. People really began to take notice. Strange goings-on in Eunice! Carcasses of dead coyotes, rabbits and pet dogs were mutilated and sometimes only fur remained. Mesquite beans were stripped from trees and even bark was knawed. Unbelievable signs of the elusive big foot appeared. With the first winter snows came proof. Huge 2' footprints apppeared across the football field. Droppings. Games were cancelled as fear ran rampant. Extra deputies were sworn in as the town geared up to face panic. be continued....

...our story continues...
Next the international media arrived. Also scientific minds from around the world. From Maui's Hana Coast came Tiny Malaikini a noted animal behaviorist. Alaska's town of Ninilchik sent a famous abominable snowman tracker. Before long the New Mexico State Police, Bigfoot Swat Team and the Nasty Guard set up positions.
As the word got out to the world a national media wag coined the name "Eu-Nasty Beast". Meanwhile various sightings continued. Oil Center, Monument, the "Y" reported the beast. People stayed behind double-locked doors. Kids stayed home from school... be continued...

Annie:  OK Glenn, My curiosity is really aroused by  now.........Those foot prints are too long to be any animal known around Eunice! Please go on.

...the tale continues...
As interest grew, and sightings continued, the "Eu-Nasty Beast" was known to show up at the drive-in movie where hundreds of people, in various stages of passion, flew out the exits. He casually munched on left-over Cokes, popcorn and junk candy
and watched the flick.

Once he approached the entire football team in practice. They had to take emergency showers immediately.

For some reason the water tower seemed to have a special attraction. Climbing up the ladder a-la King Kong the beast screamed as low-flying airplanes badgered him.
Suddenly guns were trained on him from every direction and it looked like curtains for the hairy monster. be continued...

Gary:  Go, Glenn, Go!

Annie:  I have a really bad feeling about how this story is going to end..............

PART V continue...
But NO. Suddenly from out of darkness came a cry for sanity. "What has he done to us?" NOTHING! He's a poor misplaced man/beast who's lost and seeks our friendship. He wants to be one of us. Go to movies, eat junk food. You can't just gun him down. Give him a chance!   And so we did. He was coaxed down from the water tower, his l0' frame standing taller than all the  local men with their torches and pitchforks and dogs. "Let's give him a break," someone said. Bring him some Varsol and a couple of rabbits.  And then, just as dawn was breaking...
...may be continued...

...a sleek black limo bearing the Governor was seen approaching from Hobbs. Suddenly men in suits emerged with tiny radios in their ears and dark sunglasses on their eyes. The Governor stepped out.   "I'm declaring today 'Let's be sweet to Eu-Nasty' day in all of New Mexico!" Bands played, pom-pom girls danced and the Chamber of Commerce prepared for a special parade.

But we can't parade him around in his condition? Now can we folks?   So they took the lovable beast to the car wash and hosed him down with a lot of suds. A LOT of suds!  .   .   .(Need to think). . .

Annie:  And did the beast come out of the car-wash and was he a EUNICorn???? Maybe riding on a EUNICycle???? hehehehe


Annie:  Well, theres one other thing that might be that big......Someone's imagination!  LOL   Wonder where Fred is tonight?? Come on Fred we need your input........

...continuing saga...
After the power-wash twice the big foot came out clean and smelling good for the first time ever.   They moused his hair and trimmed it, and suddenly he began to look downright good.
The next day was the July 4 parade. Big foot rode in a convertible down Main street followed by fire engines blowing their sirens. All was well again in Eunice and he was now a respected citizen and loved by all.   Even his name was changed from Eu-Nasty Beast to Mr Eu-Nice Big-Un.

He lived to a ripe old age and when he died his huge l0' body was sent to Roswell to the Institute for the Terminally Weird.  Not much was said after his death since his existance in Roswell was eclipsed by the arrival of  space creatures. From that time on that was all the news that came from what we now know as "Alienville."

Copyright (C) l999 Glenn Elliott
All Rights Reserved

Annie:  Glenn, You do have a way with words!!  Great story and I kept thinking you would have trouble coming up with something to top the last but here you've done it again....

Bev:  Glenn-  This was a great one! Okay, next!!! We want another one! We may have to see about publishing this one.

Glenn:  Fooled you with the happy ending eh? And you thought poor Mr Eu-Nice Big-Un was heading for a disasterious demise. Twist and turns are the secret to good story telling. I also love "cliff hangers" to keep you reading. TV soaps use it every day to keep you on board.  Glad you liked the story. Can a sequel be expected?  Probably not. They never are as good. Can you imagine Titanic II?

Annie:  Glenn, You really are a good story teller  and I wondered who your favorite authors are? And no I don't think sequels always work. But then again, I loved Scarlett....
Even after 50 yrs I still wondered if Rhett would come back! lol

Glenn:  "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a rat's patootee, Scarlett".   Sorry I have no favorite authors. The problem is I have a vision problem that inhibits reading .I use a large TV screen with my WebTv which helps a lot.

Annie:  Evidently you didn't have to read to stimulate your creative abilities to write good stories. I enjoy your wit and your way with words... Have you tried the audio books? I have and  didn't particularly like them. They're pretty popular tho so must work for some..

Bev:  Okay Glenn, you have had a two day break from the last story. When can we expect another?

Lynda:  Good grief Glenn, don't stop the story now. I'm sitting on the edge of my chair and hoping the thing did not head North !!!!

Glenn:  The secret to show biz is the "leave them hungry."   But, I have another secret too. My stories only happen when a certain creative corpuscle crosses over from the left to the right side of my brain. It stimulates the tall tales area and I am overcome with an undeniable urge to write. Sorta like other bodily urges one experiences.  The other thing is, it takes a while for the germ of an idea to mature enough to fabricate something unrealistic.   Right now I'm working my vast audience in a tease to put another one on you Eu-Nice folks. Patience, Rome wasn't built in a day--but it was built.

Meanwhile here's something to consider:  Everybody has experienced DeJa Vu: The feeling that one has had an experience previously.  But have you had Vu JaDe?: The feeling that you are doing something for the first time?   Think about it.

Annie:  Good Gracious, thats nearly too deep to grasp.