Desperately searching for new party concepts, the Road Kill Cafe
is asking for ideas and costumes for a St. Patrick Day Party. RKC turns
to Classmates for suggestions for decor, dress, menu items, entertainment
and advertising themes.If you can help please
send your posts to this thread and help make our party a success. The staff
of Bubba, "Bubbles", Chef Andre', and Maitre'd invite your participation
and planning. Let us hear from you ASAP.The Road Kill CafeFree shovels
to scoop your entree.
Glenn Elliott '51/Houston
Photo: Glenn Elliott, Proprietor of the Road Kill Cafe
From: LYNDA RAGAN 1960
Hi Glenn,
Having just returned from a great vacation I am now just full of ideas
for your St. Patrick's Day doings. Of course being a wee bit Irish helps.
I figure the meat on the menu will take care of itself as far as the color theme goes. Along with green potatoes and green gravy. A green limp salad and stringy beans with green jello would round out the menu. Topping off the meal would consist of a larger than usual bowl of green ice cream with a few grits thrown in for color.
Bubba dressed as a four leaf clover would set the tone of the evening
with each attendee wearing a costume consisting of one of the following:
feathers, balloons, or clover ( all green of course). The pixie shoes would
come in handy for this event.
The tables will have white tablecloths with leprechaun candles. Each
of which would be holding a green cricket. Dinner music will be by the
Mischief Makers with melodies of Ireland that will surely bring tears to
the eyes and pain to the ears. ( They will not need amplifiers) Dancing
will be available for the very brave.
And of course it goes without saying that there will be green ale by the gallons and the next morning there will be green faces to match. Oh, the perfect party if I do say so myself. hehehehe
Sounds like a weiner! I'm dusting off my green derby for the occasion.
Maybe I'll even break out the pipes.Glenn
From: LYNDA RAGAN 1960
Sounds like we've got the makings of another "cyber party"..
You will be in Eunice the 4th won't you? I found a little something
in my travels for you. hehehe
Yes, we hope to be in Eunice on July 3,4. Oil Patch Resort and Spa.
We'll be in one of the cabanas near the lagoon.
Guess I missed seeing you in the Iditarod start today. You were mushing,
See you at RKC St. Pat's day.
What's 5 miles long and has a jerk every 5 feet?
The St Patrick Day parade. (Cleaned up version)
From: LYNDA RAGAN 1960
We will be at the Oil Patch Resort as well but in the RV section. I
think we also will have a wonderful view of the lagoon. I am sure hoping
so !!! I can just picture the moon rising over the resort lagoon....Perhaps
there will be swans on the lagoon. ROTFLLLLLLLLLL If it is pitch black
and everyone leaves their glasses off, I might just go swimming.
I stayed out of the Iditarod this year because "if you are not the lead dog the scenery never changes" and with the one dog I've got I would most certainly be at the back of the pack. ( She is a 5 lb. Pomeranian) Iron dogs were more my style. At least they were years ago when I was younger, dumber, and racing them. Is really warm up here for this time of the year. That sure makes it tough on the dogs. Today it was 45 degrees here. Of course they started 180 miles north of here and will continue on north through the whole race, but some of the rivers and lakes could have open water.
I'll be at the St. Paddy's Day party with bells on. Wouldn't miss it for the world! I forgot to mention that I think Ms. Bubbles should be dressed as a potato. Preferably one with the blight...LOL Are the police invited this time?? Maybe David could lead them another way. hehehe
You can find a photo of the proprietor of the RKC all decked out for
St. Paddie's Day in our photo album, "Recent Photos of EHS Alumni." Remember
username is your first name and password is Cardinal. Have a look! Doesn't
Tis a wee bit of the Irish I see and I bet he knows where the pot of
gold is hidden. Dashing ? You bet, but then what leprechan isn't ?? And
remember when those Irish Eyes are Smiling --------watch out!!!
I wonder if we can find some green pixie shoes to wear to the big St.
Paddie's Day party at Glenn's place tomorrow night.
What are you planning to wear?
I do have to tell you that I am a little leery of eating this "green cuisine" that Glenn is promising!
Bev, I've got the cutest little.....(LITTLE????? Did I say little???????)
green double-knit suit with bell-bottoms. I thought we could keep this
a casual affair. It wouldn't matter if the shoes are a diferent shade...All
greens go together...
I hope the food will be up to the usual high standards of the RKC !!!!!!!!!! See you all there.
PS....Do you think Glenn could line up "River- Dance for entertainment??????
Okay, Glenn! What entertainment do you have planned for tomorrow
night? It better be good!
By the way, we have an Irish pub with wonderful food here called McGuires.
The signs on the bathroom doors are one of the most interesting things
there. The signs are arrow pointing to each other. The men's bathroom has
an arrow on the door with the word Women, but it is pointing to the other
door. The women's bathroom has an arrow on the door pointing to the other
bathroom with the word, Men. Cause lots of confusion for the newcomers
and lots of laughs for the regulars.
From: DEB GLOVER 1974
Takin' the opportunity to be wishing ye all a Happy St. Paddy's Day!
Since I won't be able to make it the RKC for the day's festivities... I'll
be sittin' at home with 'me Lucky Charms cereal' and all those little hard
marshmallow 'thingies'. However, I will be tintin' the milk a nice shade
o' green.
Glenn... love the hat, it's definitely YOU!
Bev, I'll let ya know about the photos...
Lynda... you ain't seen nothing till you see 'these Irish eyes a smilin'...hehehe
Annie... would love to see you decked out in that outfit!
E R I N G O B R A G H !!!!!!!!!!!
From: LYNDA RAGAN 1960
The party just won't be the same without you. You sure you cannot stop
by for just one wee little glass of that green stuff??? I bet Glenn would
even sing an Irish tune just for you. That leprechaun will do anything
to bring in business!! hehehe
Don't forget to bring your own green road kill should you decide to
stop in.
From: DEB GLOVER 1974
Save me a glass~ being as it's already should keep till